CLICK HERE TO HEAR THE PODCAST: Toxic relationships can be a nightmare to disengage from – and the trauma is so harmful to the children. Brook Olsen’s work focuses on helping people disengage, and in Episode 201 of the High Conflict Coparenting podcast, he interviews me for any tips I have to contribute. In our conversation I address the cult of one-on-one and how viewing narcissistic abuse through the lens of cult dynamics can shed light on both recognizing toxic relationships, and getting out of them.
PLEASE STAY! An Urgent Message to Someone Contemplating Suicide
If you are right on the edge and in danger of suicide don’t read further. Instead, call 911 or the national suicide prevention hotline: 988 . If you are outside the US call your emergency number – that’s what they are there for and this is an emergency. There are people out there ready to … Read more