Standing Up for NIMBYs & Opposing By Right Construction in California

The new state law in California renders our local design and environmental laws obsolete when a development is designated By Right. This is a huge gift to developers under the guise of creating affordable housing – which, in my community, is not a big part of the package. I’ve looked at great ugly buildings in the past and wondered how they happened – and now this is taking place in my own backyard – or close to it. If you are interested in finding out more and trying to respect the laws and regulations that we have in place, please read my two articles that were published in the last couple of weeks and contact your government officials. Considering all the wrongs in the world this may not be at the top of your list, but I  believe that making things ugly and flouting local laws is making our world worse. We need more housing – but it should meet a decent standard.

In North Coast Current I write on behalf of NIMBYs – which is how the building industry bad mouths any local opposition:

NIMBYs (Not in My Backyard) get a lot of bad press. But does anyone want an outsized building overlooking their backyard? I don’t, which was why I attended (remotely) the June 3 Encinitas Planning Commission meetinREAD MORE

In The Coast News I detail how this By Right wrong is taking place in Leucadia, California:

Driving home from over-built Huntington Beach I’m grateful for the visual breath of fresh air that means I am in Leucadia: gateway to Encinitas.  But our community’s aesthetic character could change forever depending on the Encinitas City Council’s decision concerning the 72 apartments proposed at 1967 Vulcan: the first “by-right” project under consideration. READ MORE

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